The Silver of Hmong 《苗族银饰》

Categories: Catalog Design / Web Design / Illustration /
Type Layout / Photography 
Art Director: Soonduk Krebs

This project introduces the silver art of a Chinese minority, Hmong. The content shows four types of silver jewelries (horns, headdress, pendant, and plates) that Hmong women usually wear in their celebrations and explains the meanings of the patterns on their silvers. In the catalog and the microsite, I put some Chinese characters that connect to the meanings of the patterns in the layout, they are no longer text but decorating the design. The whole visual design can get people closer to this culture.

《 The Silver of Hmong》(苗族银饰)是以小册子和网站这两种形式介绍了几种苗族女性在婚礼和节日中常用的银饰,比如牛角、凤冠、胸锁以及装饰苗服用的银片。整个作品追随简约的设计风格,我在文字排版中用了跟内容相关的中文来装饰整个版面,还用了银饰上面的元素,将他们做成了有滚动效果的图形来丰富网页,丰富用户浏览作品时的体验。

⚠️大陆境内的浏览者请通过该链接浏览网页设计作品(Viewers in China mainland please click this link):


The Japanese Romance 插画包装设计


Guiyang Postcard 名信片文创设计