Ocean Light 儿童玩具设计

Categories: Puzzle Toy Design / Educational Interaction
Art Director: Dermot Mac Cormack
Photography: Yige Zhang

Ocean Light is a puzzle toy that combines light and music. It teaches children to know the three ocean zones and the animals living at different zones. The light in each cube represents the corresponding zone and children can put the puzzles based on the shapes on each cube. This toy will help children practice their skills of color matching and shape matching. I chose a piece of quiet cradle music for each zone. If users download the app Layar on their phones and scan the code on the back of each cube lid, it will play music.

Ocean Light(海洋之光)是一套结合光跟音乐的拼图木质玩具,它教孩子认识不同深度的海洋层以及生活在每个海洋层中的生物。玩具由三个大、中、小的盒子组成,每一个盒子和盒子中的灯光颜色代表一个海洋层,由浅到深分别为浅蓝、深蓝和深紫,孩子们会通过用拼图去匹配盒子上的形状来认识小动物。这套玩具针对低幼儿童,可以锻炼他们的图形匹配能力和颜色识别能力,孩子们还可以在玩耍中聆听安静的海洋音乐,用户只需下载免费应用Layer,再用手机扫一扫盒盖内部的图片,就可以听到宁静助眠的海洋音乐。


Guiyang Postcard 名信片文创设计


Hmong Stories 玩具设计